Money and Happiness. Some Basic Question answered.
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Ted's photos - For Me & You 2018 - Germany - Heidelberg - Show Me The Money via photopin (license) That's the only thought that goes through almost everyone's mind is: How to make more money? How to become rich easily or fast? Money is the only thing that defines your status in the society. No one cares if you have money in the bank or not. If you dress well, drive an imported car, and have no time for your family then you are rich. People have a very wrong misconception that money is directly proportional to happiness. Up to some point, it's true but as it starts to grow further greed creeps in and it makes everyone's life miserable. Couple days back I was going through my daily routine of watching videos on YouTube when I came across a video in which a person was talking about money and random questions generated in my mind. Let's have a look what the questions were and what did I find out: How much Important is...